For his last day in New York, we decided to bring Valentin to try some Venezuelan cuisine, especially arepas. The last time his father came, we brought him to Caracas. As this place is always crowned, we decided to go to the quieter El Cocotero. We went there several times: cheap and good food, fairly low key.
When we entered, at lunch time, the restaurant was very dark, the windows being blocked by Halloween decorations, the sunlight emerging between them. We all ordered the same thing, but decided to share some guacamole, called guasacaca. It never came...I guess the waiter forgot about it and, to be honest, we did not mind as long as they would not try to charge us for it (they did not). I asked for a double espresso and had to ask again, as they probably also forgot about it: it started well!
Fortunately the espresso was good...
Our second appetizer order finally come after a while: yuca fries with guasacaca and cream (Yuca frita con nata y guasacaca).
It was good: the yuca fries were crunchy and cooked all the way through, delicious when dipped in the cream and guacamole.
Then, we all ordered the arepa La Chiquinquira, made of guasacaca, Guyanes cheese, avocado and tomatoes.
It was just ok for me: not as good as usual with too much vinegar overpowering the rest of the ingredients.
I was a bit disappointed: the food was just ok and the service was so so, although there were not that many people in the restaurant. I guess next time I'll stick to Caracas...At least, Valentin was able to try arepas!
Enjoy (...)!

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And Remember: I Just Want To Eat!