Recipe: Paella
I love paella and tried to recreate my own version, made with meat and seafood and cooked for long enough so the rice gets very soft and flavorful. In this recipe, I have replaced the saffron by turmeric, to give to the rice this nice yellow color, saffron being expensive. Here is the recipe:
Time: 2 hours
Servings: 4 persons
- 2 cups of white rice.
- 2 tea spoons of turmeric.
- 1 tea spoon of salt.
- 6 chicken drumsticks.
- 0.125 lb chorizo cut into thick slices.
- 1 red pepper.
- 1 lb of mussels (I used Prince Edwards Island mussels).
- 0.5 lb of jumbo shrimp, shell on.
Preparation of the mussels:
Prince Edward Island mussels
Prince Edward Island mussels
Prince Edward Island mussels
First, rinse the mussels. Then, steam them in a pot, lid on, with a small amount of water until the steam comes out of the lid. Discard any mussel that did not open.
Preparation of the paella:
Red pepper
Red pepper
Red pepper and chicken for paella
Jumbo shrimp
Cut the pepper in small pieces, discarding the seeds. Cook the pepper with the chicken in vegetable oil, on medium heat, until the chicken starts being cooked on each side, turning it from time to time. Then, add the shrimp and cook each side for 3 minutes.
Preparing paella
Preparing paella
Add 3 cups of water, the turmeric, salt and rice. Cook for 45 minutes, stirring regularly and adding water so the rice is submerged.
Preparing paella
Then, add the chorizo slices and the mussels. Cook for another 20 minutes, stirring regularly, so the rice does not attach to the pan.
Et voila!
Recipe: Paella
Bon appétit!
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