Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
Bangkok City is a Thai restaurant located on the main street, Washington, in Hoboken. It is a fairly big place, and they offer a basic Thai menu, if it was not for the frog legs that I had there from time to time...Yes, not that many French restaurants serve them, but Thai restaurants often do (I think they call it Kha Gob). But, also often, you can taste that they have been frozen as they get this fishy taste that is so recognizable.
Dining room at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
Of course, as usual, I started by ordering a Thai Iced tea that looked great with the condensed milk not fully mixed in it. It also tasted good by the way...
Thai iced tea at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
We then ordered vegetables dumplings for appetizer. They were good, but I thought the shell was a bit too thick.
Vegetable dumpings at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
Vegetable dumplings at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
For her entrée, Jodi ordered Pad Ma Kua, a vegetarian dish made of sauteed eggplant with black bean sauce and fresh basil leaves, a fairly successful dish, especially if you like eggplant.
Pad Ma Kua at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
On my side, not surprisingly, I went for the chicken massaman, my favorite curry.
Massaman curry at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
Rice at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
I was glad that there was a right balance of curry and veggies as sometimes there is too much of the latter. But this one was real good.
Mango sticky rice at Bangkok City in Hoboken, NJ
Dessert was a bit disappointing...We ordered mango with sticky rice. The mango itself was very good and perfectly ripe. But, the sticky rice would have been better with some coconut milk as it was a bit bland.
Despite that, I thought that Bangkok City was not that bad. Not the best in Hoboken, but still good (I prefer Sri Thai or T Thai). Would I go back? Maybe...
Enjoy (I did)!
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