Beard Papa in NYC, NY
I do not understand why Beard Papa, a French style bakery that started in Japan in 1999 that specializes in cream puffs or choux à la crème is not more popular. We went back after some time, not going often to the Upper West Side (they have opened other locations since the last time we went so I will have to check them out), and the place was still there, but remodeled, smaller, with the beaded man they used for a logo still there (don’t you think he looks like a sailor?). In fact, it represents the head baker who had a white beard and was called…Beard Papa.
Beard Papa in NYC, NY
The first time was right before brunch and, as I was salivating with envy, Jodi gave up on restraining me to have one minutes from eating a meal…It was a churro cream puff that was amazing: the choux itself is very good. Slightly crunchy, it is cooked to perfection and filled with an amazing vanilla custard that they put when you order, ensuring that the chou would not be soggy. The icing was sweet with hints of cinnamon. Superb!
Churro cream puff at Beard Papa in NYC, NY
Churro cream puff at Beard Papa in NYC, NY
The second time, I got their classic that is the basic cream puff with vanilla custard in it and a Oreo Cookie Crumble Eclair chou that was topped with… Oreo cookie. After I took my photo, we started eating and the cream was oozing from these pieces of deliciousness. And you know when you are at the end and you are holding a small piece carefully so the cream would not go all over? Well, that is when the last piece of the classic cream puff fell on the floor, with me standing next to it in disbelief and quietly weeping…
Classic cream puff at Beard Papa in NYC, NY
Oreo cookie crumble eclair at Beard Papa in NYC, NY
These cream puffs are so good. In a way, I am glad that Beard Papa is not in my neighborhood because I would go there all the time! This is worth a visit!
Enjoy (I really did)!
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Beard Papa - 2167 Broadway, New York, NY 10024