Italian dinner at Da Andrea

Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Da Andrea in NYC, NY

I often crave Italian cuisine and, as we were passing by Da Andrea, we decided to stop there for dinner. A light dinner as I like to call them: no appetizer, only entree and dessert…And the entree was superb: I went for the Tagliolini neri alle vongole, a homemade squid ink tagliolini with clams, cherry tomatoes in a garlic white wine. I loved it: the pasta was really good and the sauce delicious, so good that I dipped some focaccia bread in it…And yes, I always put cheese on my pasta, even if it has seafood in it: this seemed to have shocked the waiter who did not want to give me any cheese before, until I insisted. Jodi simply went for the Portobello con polenta e gorgonzola, a dish composed of braised portobello, polenta and gorgonzola cheese: a succulent vegetarian dish.

Focaccia at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Focaccia at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Polenta and mushroom at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Polenta and mushroom at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Tagliolini neri alle vongole at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Tagliolini neri alle vongole at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Tagliolini neri alle vongole at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Tagliolini neri alle vongole at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Dessert was a must have: their homemade tiramisu that was creamy. They also gave us some cookies with a lemon curd, a nice touch.

Tiramisu at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Tiramisu at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Cookies at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Cookies at Da Andrea in NYC, NY

Da Andrea was a great find: I would definitely go back to try other dishes.

Enjoy (I did)!

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Da Andrea - 35 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011

Da Andrea Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato