Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
Founded in Fukuoka, Japan by Tetsushi Mizokami, Uncle Testsu’s cheesecake opened in New York a couple of months ago. I noticed it after seeing a line in front of a small bakery with an open kitchen where somebody was making what I learn later was madeleines. I admit that I never had or even knew that there was such thing as a Japanese cheesecake, a treat totally different from the heavier version we know (and yes, Junior’s is still the best for me). No, Japanese cheesecakes are fluffier and eggy: a bite literally melts in your mouth. They say at Uncle Tetsu that it “combines the richness of American cheesecakes with the lightness of French soufflés” that is the right description. The round cheesecake stamped with a hairless chef with glasses is small, good for 4 people. Know that you can only get one per person.
Counter at Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
cheesecake at Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
They use it to make rusk or what they sometimes call biscotti: twice baked cookies made from their cheesecake. They are tough to get as you will often see a sign saying “no rusk” at the counter, especially late afternoon, but, when you get them, they are superb: crunchy and buttery, very addictive.
Rusk at Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
I mentioned the honey madeleines that do not really look like madeleines, more a combination of a muffin and a madeleine. They are good, but when eating them you are not as amazed as when you try the cheesecake and rusk.
Honey madeleines at Uncle Tetsu cheesecake in NYC. NY
Uncle Tetsu’s cheesecake is a must have and it is not the last time you will see me at that store that I would not be surprised will have sister location soon.
Enjoy (I did)!
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Uncle Tetsu’s cheesecake - 135 W 41st St, New York, NY 10036